Art stations fundation - by Grażyna Kulczyk

application deadline
Alternatywna Akademia Tańca 2015 Coaching + audycja do spektaklu Sławka Krawczyńskiego i Anny Godowskiej I_NOT_I. DANCE AND TRANSGRESSION.

aat 2015b

coaching I_NOT_I. DANCE AND TRANSGRESSION will take place 5-9.10.2015
in Studio Slodownia +3

Please submit your application (e-mail), containing your CV and documented fragments of your earlier work (web links),
by 18 September 2015.

Art Stations FOundation invites for the coaching in frame of the Alternative Dance Academy 2015 witch will also be the autidion for the performance.

5-9.10.2015, Studio Slodownia +3

The coaching/workshop will be dedicated to techniques of working with the unconscious which make it possible to discover reality as dreams and dreams as reality. Using these techniques, we will explore dance as a vehicle for transformation. The essence of this transformation will be the movement between the “I” and the “NOT-I”, a permanently present, albeit unconscious, aspect of ourselves that contains features of our alternative personality. Our research will be developed around the following questions: Can we be free in relation to the things we have learnt so far? What would our dance be like if we rejected everything that has been instilled in us about it? Who would we be if, in the crucial moments of our lives, we took other paths than the ones we had taken? In other words, could we be another person, and if we discovered this otherness, would we really want it?

The coaching/workshop will also be an audition for the show Bataille i świt nowych dni (Bataille and the Dawn of the New Days). Planned to premiere in spring 2016, it is inspired by the philosophy of Georges Bataille, a French writer, philosopher and critic of contemporary culture. It is a performance-based study of the concept of transgression, informed by one of the most important questions of our times: Are we totally enclosed in the culture we live in, or is another road possible? If it is, which way does it go, and to what worlds does it lead?

The number of places for the coaching/audition is restricted.

Please submit your application, containing your CV and documented fragments of your earlier work (web links), by 18 September 2015. The receipt of an invitation to the coaching/audition will mean that participation is free, however, participants must pay their own travel and accommodation expenses.

Sławek Krawczyński and Anna Godowska have been working together since 1999. Between 2001 and 2012, they co-directed the Teatr Bretoncaffe theatre. The most important element of their work is a research project called Taniec śniącego ciała (Dance of the Dreaming Body) which aims to apply the concepts of Carl Gustav Jung’s analytical psychology and Arnold Mindell’s process oriented psychology to dance and theatre practice. With every new step of the project, the theoretical and practical results become more and more interesting. A synthesis of the programme of their studies is The_Rite_of_Dreams_Project, initiated in 2013. Its first instalment, the performance Niżyński. Święto snów (Nijinsky. The Rite of Dreams) was based on the methods that Krawczyński and Godowska are developing. In 2014, they began researching the concept of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, which they will focus on in the upcoming years.